Vega E-Signature is a secure electronic signature solution designed in compliance with the Law on Electronic Signature No. 5070. An electronic signature is a secure electronic data that makes transactions legally binding. Vega E-Signature is developed to enable businesses and individuals to conduct transactions securely and effectively in the digital world.
Features of VEGA E-Signature:
Legal Validity: When used in compliance with the Law on Electronic Signature No. 5070, the electronic signature has the same legal validity as a handwritten signature. This means that transactions made with an electronic signature have a legal basis.
Secure Transactions: Vega E-Signature guarantees that the information sent in electronic transactions remains unchanged, belongs to the sender, and cannot be denied. This feature allows businesses and individuals to communicate securely in the digital world.
Identity Verification: The e-signature guarantees the accuracy of individuals’ identity information in electronic transactions, enabling reliable transactions to take place.
Personalized: E-signatures are created for real individuals and cannot be created for organizations. This ensures the security of personal information.
Areas of Use: Vega E-Signature offers a wide range of applications. It allows for secure electronic signature usage in e-government applications, public projects, business contracts, bank instructions, and many other areas.
Applications of VEGA E-Signature:
E-government applications and extensions ( UYAP and similar public projects Ministry of Industry and Kosgeb projects EKAP (Electronic Public Procurement Platform) processes E-Invoice applications Within the scope of MERSIS Project Customs and Foreign Trade transactions Registered Electronic Mail (KEP) System Employee service contracts and all other contracts Sending bank instructions Signing General Assembly, Partners’ Assembly, and Board of Directors decisions Dealer network, B2B communication, and order processes Electronic archive signing All applications including EBYS requiring handwritten signature All types of documents that need to be produced and signed
Vega E-Signature is a comprehensive solution that enables businesses to move securely and effectively in their digital transformation processes. By offering a secure transition to electronic transactions, it speeds up business processes and contributes to making businesses more competitive in the digital world.