Vega Master allows you to monitor every aspect of your business in real-time with an advanced web-based reporting system provided by Vegagrup Software.
Here are the key features offered by Vega Master:
Sales Report:
Displays your company’s real-time revenue.
Provides the ability to instantly observe cancellations, complimentary items, discounts, and wastages, as well as current account transactions.
Covers transactions made through Vega FasterPos and Vega Şefim programs.
Open Table Report:
Shows the real-time status of tables in your branches.
Displays items on open tables or pending bills.
Checks the latest order times and order intervals of seated customers.
Product Sales Report:
Displays real-time total product sales by branch from FasterPos and Şefim programs.
Offers the ability to generate reports for any desired date range.
Staff Report:
Displays detailed collections by cashiers at branches, including cash, credit card, and meal voucher transactions.
Enables observation of all collections made through FasterPos and Şefim programs by branch.
Waiter Sales Report:
Tracks orders taken by waiters in branches using the Şefim program.
Helps evaluate the performance of waiters.
Allows monitoring of sales turnover for personnel in FasterPos program by branch.
Per Person Sales Report:
Calculates the average revenue per person based on the number of customers in your branches, showing how much revenue is generated per customer on average.
Assists in monitoring the average spending value of entering customers.
Inventory Report:
For businesses conducting stock control, displays real-time sales of countable stocks by deducting from the inventory in the Arctos program to show the remaining quantity in stock.
Open Account Report:
Renders reports of transactions made throughout the day by customers with open accounts.
Shows open account transactions and collection status on a single screen.
Detailed Reports and Charts:
Provides access to branch-wise sales comparison graph reports for FasterPos, Şefim, and EnPOS cash registers.
Enables detailed reporting on a weekly and monthly basis.
With Vega Master, keep every detail of your business in check and enhance productivity!