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VegaOne is a package that meets all the needs of small businesses and tradesmen with its easy-to-use, simple and understandable menus, and it does so without burdening the business with high costs. Additionally, it includes a fast sales application called OnePOS.

With the VegaOne package, you can easily perform the following operations:

– Tracking Customer Accounts
– Inventory Tracking
– Monitoring Bank Accounts
– Tracking Payments and Collections
– Cash Register Tracking
– Compatibility with e-Transformation

Who Can Use VEGA ONE Fast Sales Program?
  • Every business engaged in retail sales.
  • Nut stores
  • Bakeries, pastry shops, and dessert shops
  • Deli and greengrocers
  • Fishmongers
  • Grocery stores and kiosks
  • Mini markets
  • Gift shops
  • Game arcades
  • Coffee houses-billiard halls
  • Tea gardens
VEGA ONE Features
  • In the barcode-enabled fast sales program, there is a barcode system and the ability to connect to a cash register!
  • Ability to print the receipt from the program to the cash register!
  • You can issue either an invoice or a receipt with One!
  • It has POS bank feature.
  • You can send stock and price information to supported cash registers and scales.
  • With the barcode market sales program, you can make sales with barcode system.
  • Ability to print the receipt of sales made from the program to the cash register!
  • Option to use Normal Screen or Touch Screen.
  • You can track sales from the cash register as receipts or invoices through the market sales program.
  • You can keep track of open account transactions. (Grocer’s ledger logic)
  • Ability to issue customer receipts
  • You can hold receipts to open multiple sales screens simultaneously.
  • You can track the cashier (employee) information of sales. You can keep track of shift information.
  • Ability to sell weighable products, ability to connect scales!
  • With the fast retail sales program One, you can make sales using PLU keys.
  • You can track Stock, Current Accounts.
  • You can get a general status report from the cash register program.
  • You can get a detailed Turnover report.
  • You can keep track of points with the point card application, and conduct sales collections with points.


  • Ability to do online reporting with the smart notebook.
  • Ability to work offline (ability to get end of day Z report)


  • Ability to get reports independently from the Back Office program


  • Cash
  • Credit card
  • Ability to work with Ticket and Open account
  • Ability to keep accounts with grocer’s ledger logic
  • Ability to collect payments from the grocer’s ledger without making sales is available in the fast retail sales program.

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